Stay Cool And Stay Strong - Selecting A Roof For Warm Climates

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Purchasing a home in a warm climate can create a feeling of intense achievement. You're able to relax and enjoy the environment around you, and you're able to do so in a home that you've worked hard to earn. That hard work, however, needs to be protected. Your home ownership can come with challenges that you need to be ready to meet.

One of those challenges is maintaining the strength and quality of your home's roof. Warm weather can wreak havoc on traditional roofing materials, so below, you'll find a guide to some materials you can choose from to guarantee that you find the right roof for your habitat.


While slate roofing has been used for centuries throughout the developed world, it remains a popular material, especially for warm climates. It comes in a wide variety of naturally occurring colors, allowing you to select a lighter shade that will deflect sunlight and help keep the temperature in your home under control.

Slate tile also remains attractive over a period of time, wearing down into a smooth and shiny finish. It's also a very heavy material, giving it insulating principles that help your home hold in the cool air that's generated mechanically and allowing you to stay at a comfortable temperature while holding your energy costs down.

Terra Cotta

Extremely common throughout the American southwest, the reddish tan colored terra cotta tiles you see on many roofs serve a great deal of practical purposes. They can be easily slotted together, creating an impenetrable roof that will remain fully protected and solid while standing up to the sun.

Terra cotta tile is also particularly good at handling drainage, as the curved tile design will direct water away from delicate roofing components. They're also extremely resistant to both wind damage and shaking loose in earthquakes, creating a stable base that will allow your roof to remain solid for years to come.

Green Roofing

While a relatively new concept, green roofs are becoming more and more common. Typically, a layer of waterproof material is laid across your roof, allowing for plant life to be installed on top of your structure. This will not only keep temperatures down in your home, but can also be an attractive option in urban areas without a great deal of access to greenery. It also can be extremely financially beneficial, as many jurisdictions offer tax incentives for increasing your amount of environmentally sustainable technology.

Be sure to contact professionals, such as those from Save On Roofing, for further assistance.
